What Health Problems Can A Cockroach Infestation Cause?

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What Health Problems Can A Cockroach Infestation Cause?

27 July 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Cockroaches have been one of the world's most hated pests for many years. They thrive in warm environments that have easy access to food and water. Therefore, cockroaches often reside in homes, hotels, restaurants or any type of area that humans are commonly present in. Once a cockroach infestation has been discovered, it is very important to have the area exterminated as quickly as possible. If cockroaches are allowed to remain and multiply where people reside or dine, it can lead to serious health conditions for those who are continuously exposed to them.

Respiratory Problems

Cockroaches carry certain allergens on their bodies, in their feces and in their saliva that can trigger problems for those who already suffer from asthma. This can lead to more frequent asthma attacks that may require doctor visits or even hospitalization to treat. Those who have asthma that are exposed to cockroaches often need stronger medications to keep their asthma under control.

It is also possible for those who have otherwise healthy lungs to develop respiratory problems after continuous exposure to cockroaches. Even if a person is not exposed to smoking or other respiratory hazards and does not have a family history of asthma, the symptoms of this disease can occur if they reside in a home that is heavily infested with cockroaches.

Gastrointestinal Problems 

Cockroaches also carry harmful bacteria that can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Roaches carry microbes on their bodies that can transfer to food, countertops and areas where food is normally stored. This can trigger food poisoning caused by dangerous bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella.

Consuming food contaminated with theses types of bacteria causes vomiting, diarrhea and severe stomach pain. In some cases, the bacteria may travel to the bloodstream and cause life threatening infections.

Allergy Problems 

Some people have also been diagnosed with cockroach allergy syndrome. This means that due to being exposed to cockroaches they suffer from symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, stuffy nose and inflamed sinuses. They may also have sinus pain and pressure in the face, dark blue-colored circles under the eyes and a skin rash.

These symptoms are similar to those that people with seasonal allergies or allergies to certain things like pet dander, dust and mold suffer from. Skin tests or blood tests that are used to diagnose other common allergies are also used to diagnose cockroach allergy syndrome.

While there are some products on the market that can kill small numbers of cockroaches and other insects, to get rid of a large infestation it is best to have the infested area professionally exterminated. This is the only way that removal of all signs of cockroaches can be guaranteed.