Why Are Your Oak Tree's Leaves Turning Brown In The Middle Of Summer?

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Why Are Your Oak Tree's Leaves Turning Brown In The Middle Of Summer?

13 December 2015
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When fall rolls around, it's normal for your oak tree's leaves to turn orange or brown and fall to the ground. However, if this is happening in the spring or the middle of the summer, you have a problem. Chances are, your oak tree has a disease called oak wilt. Here's a closer look at this serious disease and what you should do about it.

What is oak wilt, and what causes it?

Oak wilt is a fungal disease caused by a specific species of fungus. It is most common in red oak trees, though it can occur in any species of oak. The disease is most common in the Midwest and Eastern United States. It is spread from tree to tree by oak bark beetles, and it can also be passed to nearby trees through the root systems. Once a tree has been infected with the oak wilt fungus, it makes its way into the xylem tissues of the plant, which are the tissues the tree uses to transport water. As the fungus grows and replicates, it inhibits the plant's ability to transport water, which leads to an array of symptoms.

What are the symptoms of oak wilt?

The primary symptom of oak wilt is the aforementioned browning and dropping of leaves. Often, this seems to happen almost overnight. The tree looks normal one day, and just days later, a good portion of its leaves have fallen. The smaller twigs may also begin to turn brown and curl up. Fungal mats start to appear on the trunk of the tree as the disease progresses.

How do you treat oak wilt?

Sadly, there is no way to save a tree once it has been infected with oak wilt. Some trees die within a few months, but others take several years to fully wither away.

It is absolutely essential, however, that you take action if you suspect your tree has oak wilt. You can't save that tree, but you can save others by preventing the spread of infection. Have a professional tree service like the one featured on http://brownstormservice.net/ come remove the tree from your property. The bark contains fungal spores that can be picked up by beetles and spread to other trees if left in place. A tree service will ensure the wood is disposed of properly.

Oak wilt is a serious disease, and it is never pleasant to find out that your oak tree has it. However, if all tree owners act responsibly and have their infected trees removed to reduce the spread of the fungi, hopefully the disease can eventually be eradicated.