3 Tips For Reducing Back Pain In The Office

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3 Tips For Reducing Back Pain In The Office

25 August 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you have had a back injury in the past, or if you have simply noticed the effect that working in an office setting has had on your body, you might find yourself dealing with back pain on a daily basis. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to reduce back pain in the office, so give these tips a try so that you can enjoy a bit of relief during your work day.

1. Invest in a New Office Chair

First of all, take a look at your office chair. Believe it or not, your office chair could actually be a major source of your back pain, particularly if you spend a lot of time at your desk. If your office chair is older or if it isn't very comfortable, consider shopping for an ergonomic office chair that is designed for comfort. Then, you can stay more comfortable and it can potentially help cut down your back pain while you're at your desk. Plus, a new office chair is a nice way to give your office an upgraded look, too.

2. Wear the Right Shoes

The shoes that you wear to work can have an effect on your back pain, too, particularly if you have to walk a lot to get to your building or if you are on your feet a lot during the work day. For example, high heeled shoes can actually cause back pain while you are work, so if you wear them, consider switching to flats instead. You can also purchase gel inserts for your shoes to provide a little more cushion for your feet, or you can look for a higher-quality pair of shoes that might be more comfortable and less likely to cause foot or back pain.

3. Focus on Proper Posture

The way that you sit when you are in your office chair can have an impact on how you feel. If you slump and slouch in your chair, you can expect to experience back pain. Sitting up straight while you're in your chair can make a huge difference in your comfort levels. Plus, it can make you appear more confident and professional, and it can cause you to feel more productive, too.

As you can see, if you suffer from back pain while you are at the office, you do not have to keep suffering in silence, nor do you have to rely on pain medication to get you through the day. Instead, give these three tips a try to help reduce back pain while you are at work.