Moving Into A Small Apartment? Get A Projector To Watch All Of Your Media

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After I began going through and improving my home, I realized that there were a few projects that I needed to attend to sooner rather than later. I started going through my place room by room and carefully evaluating the different projects that needed to be completed. It was a lot of work, but the different tasks that I started really paid off in the end. Within a few short months, my home looked incredible and I was really impressed with the differences that I had made. This website is here to help you to choose home projects that will truly benefit your home value.

Moving Into A Small Apartment? Get A Projector To Watch All Of Your Media

29 September 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

American homes, especially new ones, are quite large in size at about 2,700 square feet. This makes it easy for companies to develop large products such as furniture and televisions. But, when you are about to move into a small apartment, you may not be able to fit these things in without major issues. A studio or one-bedroom apartment can only fit in so much, so you need to get creative with your unit layout. Instead of settling for a tiny television or buying a large one and just trying to make it work, you should consider an easy and effective alternative in purchasing and using a high-definition projector.

Enjoy Larger Viewing

When you use a projector, the main factor that affects screen size is the distance from the wall. So, you can position the projector on one wall and have it face the opposite wall for a simple installation. Each projector is going to have its own specifications regarding screen size, so you do not want to just follow a generic calculator that is only capable of giving you a decent guess at what size you may end up getting. If the project being placed on one wall ends up with a picture that is too large, you can always mount a projector holder on the ceiling and place it a bit closer to shrink the screen size until you are satisfied.

Save on Space

The problem with large televisions is that they consume so much space. If you like the idea of having a television stand, you will likely have to dedicate the length of an entire wall to the television alone. You might gain some storage for things like consoles and DVDs, but you can do that in other ways. Also, mounting a television on the wall might not be possible without studs in the right location. So, instead of taking a risk in an apartment with a security deposit at stake, you can play it safe with a projector.

More Versatility

It might be possible to move your television around the living room and into the bedroom if needed. But, a projector gives you a lot more flexibility because it does not need much to work well. A blank wall and a stand, wall, or ceiling to mount its housing means that you can put it almost anywhere in the unit.

A projector may not have been your first choice for consuming media, but it is a smart decision when you have limited space to work with in your new apartment and you still want a large screen size.