Considering Cast-Stone Siding? Take a Quick Look at These Advantages

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Choosing Excellent Home Projects

After I began going through and improving my home, I realized that there were a few projects that I needed to attend to sooner rather than later. I started going through my place room by room and carefully evaluating the different projects that needed to be completed. It was a lot of work, but the different tasks that I started really paid off in the end. Within a few short months, my home looked incredible and I was really impressed with the differences that I had made. This website is here to help you to choose home projects that will truly benefit your home value.

Considering Cast-Stone Siding? Take a Quick Look at These Advantages

17 January 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

The look of a stone home is one that is most definitely admirable, with an old-world sort of appeal and vintage charm. However, having the exterior of your home clad with stone can be a costly endeavor. Thankfully, there is another option to achieve the same look without the cost—cast stone. Cast-stone siding is siding created from cement, sand, and other materials to produce pieces that look just like natural stone siding. However, cast-stone siding gives you greater advantages as a homeowner. Take a look at these perks you get to reap when you choose cast-stone siding. 

Cast-stone siding goes in place much more quickly than natural stone. 

If you were to go with exterior stone cladding of your home, it would mean contractors would spend days, if not weeks, planting every last stone in place to achieve the finished product. Cast-stone siding is manufactured offsite in large sheets and then brought to your home for installation. The sheets are placed one at a time, but one sheet will cover several feet of the exterior of your home, so the installation process can easily be completed within a day or two. 

Cast-stone siding is highly resilient to moisture, wind, and exterior temperatures. 

Having your home clad with cast-stone siding automatically boosts its stability for the long term. Cast stone is highly resilient to moisture and will stand up against wind far better than other siding types, like wood or vinyl. Likewise, cast-stone siding is an excellent insulator for the entirety of your home. It is often several inches in thickness, and this is ample enough to ward off problems with heat and cold transfer that can be an issue with some forms of siding that don't provide much insulation value at all. 

Cast-stone siding gives you absolute flexibility in design. 

One of the things most homeowners are most surprised to learn when they start looking at cast-stone siding as an option is just how many options there are. Most people think of cast stone as cement cast to look like one or two types of natural stone. However, this form of siding can be altered and formulated to look like an array of different stone and brick types. From the traditional red brick to sleek slate pieces, there are an array of possibilities from which to choose.   

Check out cast stone so you can see the benefits of using this material.