3 Reasons To Consider A Park Model RV For Your Seasonal Home

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3 Reasons To Consider A Park Model RV For Your Seasonal Home

23 January 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Many retired individuals enjoy spending time traveling. In order to escape the cool winters that can wreak havoc on an aging body, some retired persons maintain a seasonal home in a warm location that can serve as a base during the winter months. If you are in the market for a new seasonal home, you might want to consider buying a park model RV.

Here are three reasons why a park model RV makes the perfect seasonal home.

1. Park model RVs are mobile.

While a park model more closely resembles a home than an RV, it's important to remember that these seasonal homes are mobile. Having access to a seasonal home that you can relocate as your needs evolve and change provides you with the flexibility and freedom that you desire from your retirement years.

When you are ready to move your park model home, just hitch it up and tow it to its new location. You won't have to deal with buying and selling real estate when you want to move to a new spot when you opt to make a park model RV your new seasonal home.

2. Park model RVs are affordable.

Most retirees are living on a fixed income. This means that you need to ensure you are able to manage your monthly expenses without going into debt. There are a lot of hidden costs associated with purchasing a traditional seasonal home. You will have to budget for maintenance and real estate taxes in addition to the high purchase price of a seasonal property.

When you opt for a park model home instead, you eliminate the need to pay property taxes. You just pay a monthly lot fee to house your seasonal home in a resort dedicated to long-term stay RV customers, allowing you to keep your monthly living expenses as low as possible.

3. Park model RVs can be customized.

If you are worried that investing in a park model will make it feel like you are living in your RV, you couldn't be more wrong. Park model RVs can be fully customized so that you don't even realize you are living in a mobile unit.

Architectural features like cathedral ceilings, hardwood flooring, and bay windows can be included in the design of a park model RV in order to give your seasonal property a more home-like atmosphere.

Understanding the benefits that can be provided by a park model RV makes it easy to see why investing in one of these mobile units for your seasonal home makes sense. For more information, contact a company like Resort Homes.