Winter's On The Way: How To Get Your Septic System Ready For The Cold

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Winter's On The Way: How To Get Your Septic System Ready For The Cold

23 November 2021
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Winter is just a few weeks away. With that in mind, now's the time to tackle the last-minute septic maintenance. Without this septic maintenance, you could be left to face some serious complications this winter. Unfortunately, septic repairs can be difficult to handle during the winter, especially once the soil freezes. To make sure your septic system is protected against winter damage, follow the tips provided below. 

Start With a Septic Inspection

If you're like most homeowners, you don't give septic inspections much thought. Unfortunately, that lack of thought can lead to serious septic problems. Your septic system should be inspected at least once every couple of years. The easiest way to remember the inspection is to schedule one each time you have the septic tanks pumped, which also needs to be done regularly. An inspection will ensure that any issues are identified in time to take care of septic issues before costly damage occur.

Schedule A Service Call

If you haven't scheduled a service call for your septic system yet, now's the time to do that. If you wait until the soil freezes, you might end up waiting until spring, which might be too late. This is especially true if it's been more than a few years since you have your septic tanks pumped. If your septic tanks do overflow during the winter, you could end up with raw sewage in your home. Not to mention the puddles of septic water you could encounter in your backyard. Unfortunately, once your septic tank fills to capacity, the additional waste is pushed back up through the pipes. To avoid this type of winter disaster, schedule a service call before the snow arrives. 

Take Care of the Leaks

If your septic inspection uncovers septic leaks, you need to take care of those repairs as quickly as possible. There are several pipes that connect your septic system. Some of the pipes run from the house to the septic tanks. There's also a pipe that connects the septic tanks to the seepage field. All of those pipes can develop leaks, especially when the septic tanks are allowed to fill beyond capacity. To avoid damaging your septic system, and your yard, repair the septic leaks right away. 

Let the Snow Linger

Finally, if you live in a region that experiences snow during the winter, you may think that you need to clear the septic field. However, that's not often the case. You should actually allow the snow to remain in place. The layer of snow will actually insulate and protect your septic system.

Keep these tips in mind when looking for a septic tank inspection service, such as, near you.