What Method Is Best For Catching Mice?

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What Method Is Best For Catching Mice?

2 May 2022
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Do you have a problem where mice are in your home? If so, you may be wondering what the best way to catch them is. Here are some tips that will help you catch the mice that are sneaking around your home.

Snap Traps

Snap traps are one of the easiest ways to catch mice. They work by setting some sort of bait on the trap to lure the mice in, and then a spring is set off by the mice activating a pressure plate. The trap comes down and will kill the mouse instantaneously. 

The advantage of using snap traps is that they will kill the mice that they catch. You are not going to typically run into a problem where the mouse is stuck in the trap and still alive. Snap traps will also ensure that you can find the bodies of the mice since the trap is not going to go far from where you placed it. The biggest disadvantage is that some people do not like getting rid of the dead mouse and resetting the trap since they have to touch the carcass. 

Glue Traps

A glue trap is a box that you place against a wall where the mice tend to travel. The goal is to have the mouse crawl through the box and get stuck in the glue, where you can then get rid of the trap. Many people like these traps because they are cheap, easy to set, and can be placed in several areas of their home where they don't have to worry about pets getting into the trap.

The problem with this trap is that the mouse is likely still going to be alive in the glue trap if they do get stuck, and then you have to find a way to humanely kill the mouse to get rid of it. There is also a possibility that the mouse gets out of the trap as well. 

Poison Bait Stations

You also have the option of using poison bait stations. These stations can be very effective at killing several mice since they just need to take a small amount of poison for it to kill them. It's a great way to check to see if you have mouse activity in place, especially if they are not setting off snap traps.

Be aware that poison is going to cause the mice to die somewhere in your home, and it is going to smell. The odor will eventually go away as the body decomposes after several days, but you could end up with odors coming from behind walls where you can't get to the mouse's body. 

For more info, contact a local pest control services company.